Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Question Chain-Chapters 11-13 (DUE: 10/8)

Directions: Just like you did in class from chapters 8-10, please create three questions for chapters 11-13. YOu must have one comprehension question, one evaluation question and one application question. You do not need to answer the questions, but be prepared to share in class!

Comprehension: answer comes directly from the text, there is one correct answer
Evaluation: answers can vary; the reader must think about what he has read and formulate an opinion
Application: answer can vary; the reader must apply a concept or idea from the story and apply it to his own self

Don't forget to end the entry with your number (example: 8211)


  1. Example Post for chapters 8-10 (your post is for 11-13)

    Comprehension: How did the grandmother react when Lady Frankland visited Rachel after the birth of her baby?
    Evaluation: What dangers do you think Rachel and Dr. Warren faced when secretly helping out the British soldier?
    Application: Describe a time you felt left out from a family function or secret. Describe.

  2. Comprehension: How does Grandmother feel towards Rachel?
    Evaluation: Do you think it was right or wrong of Sarah to confront Dr. Warren about his relationship with Rachel?
    Application: If you suspected someone of something, would you confront them like Sarah did to Dr. Warren? Why or why not?


  3. Comprehension: Where does Paul think the British are going to attack?
    Evaluation: Why do you think the British will risk attacking when it might start a war in which they are hugely outnumbered?
    Application:Tell about a time when you had to make a decision that could turn out very good or very bad.

  4. Comprehension: Which person came to see Rachel after the birth of her child that Grandmother Revere rejected?

    Evaluation: How do you think Sarah felt about standing up to her grandmother?

    Application: Have you ever stood up to someone higher than you because you knew it was the right thing to do?

    8202 (Danny Brennan)

  5. Comprehension-
    Describe Ruffles the dog.

    Do you think that the relationship between Paul Revere and Mr. Gage is?

    Would you have the courage to help a British soldier escape the British force? Explain.


  6. Comprehension: Who was rapping at the parlor door, at night, after the store was closed?

    Evaluation: Do you think Sarah will ever confront Doctor Warren and try to make everything right between them? Why or why not?

    Application: Have you ever wanted to make something right with someone, but didn't know how or when to do it? Give an example.


  7. Comprehension: How does Sarah react whenever her siblings comment to her about her crush on Doctor Warren?
    Evaluation: Why do you think that Debby was so upset when Sarah told her about Dr.Warren saving them from smallpox?
    Application: Describe your relationship with your sibling(s). Is it a love/hate relationship like Debby and Sarah? If so, describe an incident where you and your sibling(s) have fought, deep down, you secretly love them.


  8. Comprehension: What was the name of the steeple that Paul Revere saw on his trip to Boston?
    Evaluation: What do you think brought Grandmother to mention the old steeple and have a change of heart towards Paul, after their fight?
    Application: Describe a time where you had a change of heart towards a family member or friend? Why did you change?

  9. Comprehension: Who did Paul Revere assign to walk Sarah home?

    Evaluation: Why did Paul Revere get into a fight with Grandmother Revere?

    Application: Would you believe a boy, who came to the door, with a message for your father, about a war starting?


  10. Comprehension: Why doesn’t Paul Revere take his trusted horse, Militia, with him when he is excaping from Boston?
    Evaluation: Do you think Paul is going to remember he left his spurs, and come back for them? Why or Why not?
    Application: Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you had to do something, but was to afraid? What happened/ what did you do?


  11. Comprehension: Why did Doctor Warren and Sarah get into a fight?
    Evaluation: Do you think Doctor Warren has feelings for Rachel? Why or why not?
    Application: Have you ever felt that someone is lying to you?


  12. Comprehension: How many arguments were there in the Revere house the first week of April?
    Evaluation: Do you feel that Debby was rude to question Mrs. Frankland views?
    Application: Describe a time you ever wanted to speak out like Debby and question someone.

  13. Comprehension: What was the argument between Grandmother and Paul about?
    Evaluation: How do you think Sarah feels about her brother Paul being so involved with her father's work and political business?
    Application: Have you ever been in an argument with someone and not been able to confront the person about it the way Sarah couldn't with Doctor Warren? Describe.

  14. Comprehension: What happens for the first time in the Revere household?
    (Paul has an arguement with Grandmother.)

    Evaluation: How does Sarah feel about her confrontation with Doctor Warren?
    (she feels guilty of hurting his feelings and wants to right things, but is too proud.)

    Application: Have you ever been jealous of a sibling or friend like Sarah was of Debby's beauty and Debby of Sarah's lack of scars? Explain.
    (personal question)


  15. Comprehension: On which day of the year was the Boston massacre anniversary held?

    Evaluation: What do you think are some of the risks of Pauls ridings are?

    Application: How would you feel if someone in your family took risky dicisions that could hurt or kill them? Describe.

    (Jordan Da Costa)

  16. 1. How did Sarah feel when Dr Warren said he would like to die up to his knees in blood?
    2. Why do you think Debby distrusts Lady Frankland so greatly?
    3. Do you have an older sibling that you are forced to where hand-me-downs from? Explain.


  17. Comprehension: Who was the speaker for the Boston Massacre memorial that year on March 5?
    Evaluation: Do you think Sarah had a right and a reason to treat Doctor Warren the way she did?
    Application: Describe a time where you have been in a situation where your family, friends, etc. were accepting or they liked someone or something that you completely opposed of. (Debby's opposition of Lady Frankland)

  18. COMPREHENSION-Why does Rachel get so mad at Debby when Lady Frankland come over?
    EVALUATION-Why do you think Sarah decides not to apologize to Doctor Warren when they're walking home?
    APPLICATION-Have you ever had a time when you started an angry discussion or an argument in your household? If so, explain.

  19. 1) Who was going to be the guest speaker at the event to remember the Boston Massacre?
    2)Did you think that Paul really knew about Gage's arrest warrants?
    3)has there been a time when a family member has blamed you for something that has happened in the family

  20. Comprehension: Why did Rachel get upset with Debby when Lady Frankland came over?
    Evaluation: Do you think Debby had he right to act the way she acted toward Lady Frankland?
    Application: Have you ever been in a situation when you had to put someone else in there place because of a misbehavior?

  21. Comprehension:
    Why was Paul so admirable with the soldiers who walked the streets?
    Do you think Paul (son) knows as much about what is going on as Paul (father) does?
    Explain a time when one of your family members left town for a long period of time.


  22. Comprehension: How did Paul Revere and Grandmother get into a fight? Also explain what it was about.

    Evaluation: What risks are Sarah and Paul taking when they leave the house at night to give their father his spurs that he forgot?

    Application: Describe what you think it is like to have a family member or friend who could always be in danger.


  23. Comprehension: Why did Doctor Warren go to Paul Revere's shop? For what?
    Evaluation: What do you think was the motivation behind Debby's abrupt rudeness towards Lady Frankland and earlier towards her family?
    Application: Have you ever had an experience where you spent a lot of time deliberating whether or not to bring up a matter between you and someone else to that person? (This relates to Sarah, Doctor Warren, and their argument).


  24. 1. Who is Mrs. Gage's cousin? Extra: Is this person a round or flat character?
    2. Do you think Rachel was acting when she was discussing the scares upon her face with Sarah?
    3. When was a time when you felt rejected by a close family-friend?

  25. Comprehension: What was the disagreement between Paul (Father Revere) and his mother about?
    Evaluation: What do you think was going through Sarah's mind as she walked to deliver her father the news about the raid of military stores in Concord?
    Application: Explain a time when you felt confused like Sarah.

  26. 1. Why did Paul and Sarah have a "Lighter dose" of smallpox than Debby?

    2. If you had been Sarah finding out Debby had tricked her, how would you react?

    3. Have you ever been tricked into believing something out of spite?

